Minutes of the virtual meeting of Acaster Malbis Parish Council held on
Monday 08 February 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Under the temporary procedures permitted by “The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020” the meeting was held online.

Open Forum No members of the public attended.

Present: Cllr G Taylor. (Chairman)


Councillors: C Booth,  P Harlington, R Jones, J Smith, D Walker.


Councillor: J C Galvin (City of York Council - Ward Member) was absent

Clerk: M G Davies.                  

There being no members of the public present the chairman opened the meeting at 7:30 pm.



1.         To receive apologies and approve reasons for absence.
            Cllr Hawkins presented his apologies and the reason was approved. Ward Cllr Galvin
            presented his apologies and his absence was noted.

2.         2.1 To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the council’s code of conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
There were no new declarations of interest made.

            2.2 To receive and consider any applications for dispensation.
            There were no new declarations of interest made.

3.         To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11 January 2021 as a true and correct record.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting was proposed by Cllr Harlington, seconded by Cllr Smith and approved by all present.

4.         To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary.
4.1 Lakeside culvert and Mill Lane bench.
No update was available owing to the absence of Ward Councillor Galvin but the Clerk reported that planned works by both Ainsty (2008) Drainage Board and Brunswick Organic Nursery are still disrupted by COVID-19 restrictions on activities.
4.2 Memorial Hall noticeboard.
Initial inspection indicated that the noticeboard was probably repairable but some issues were not noted. The Clerk asked Councillors to inspect the noticeboard and submit their comments to him so a balanced view could be taken regarding costs of repair or replacement. This item will be discussed again in May 2021 when, hopefully, the weather will have improved.

5.         To consider the following planning applications(s):
            There were no new planning applications for consideration.

6.         To receive the following planning decision(s) / information:
            6.1 General update report: Cllr Smith reported that there were no outstanding planning
            applications or appeals pending.

7.         Matters requested by councillors or clerk:
To Receive Reports from Councillors who have attended training events and  
                        meetings of outside bodies.

                      There were no reports to receive.
            7.2       To Confirm that the Parish Council’s registration with the Information
                      Commissioners Office has been renewed and is now effective until
                      17 February 2022.
This was confirmed by the Clerk, the cost of renewal outlaid by him is recovered
            7.3       To Consider the Parish Council’s response to a YLCA survey regarding future
                        powers to hold meetings remotely after COVID-19 regulations expire on 7 May

                        The Clerk reported that a poll of Councillors had indicated that:
                      a) The Council preferred to return to in-person meetings when possible.
                      b) The Council would be agreeable to having the power to hold virtual meetings
                           if they wished if and when they were deemed necessary.
                      c) The Council would be agreeable to having the power to hold “hybrid” meetings
                          (part in-person and part virtual attendance) if they wished if and when they were
                          deemed necessary. It was noted that this would require the use of additional
                          equipment and facilities to make such meetings possible. Cllr Jones noted that
                          Acaster Malbis Memorial Hall would be amenable to assisting in this.
            7.4       The Clerk reported that the light in the Mill Lane CPAD kiosk had failed, new lamp
                      tubes had been purchased and were to be fitted shortly.
            7.5       The Clerk reported that (further to Agenda item 7.3a of the 11 January meeting) he
                      had, as requested, discontinued use of his personal Office software and was 
                      shortly to discontinue use of his personal laptop to host virtual meetings.
                        The clerk advised that an annual subscription to Microsoft 365 Business single user
           would cost approximately £135 and that the purchase of a suitable webcam/microphone
           for use with the Parish Council’s desktop computer would be at an estimated cost of £45.
           After discussion, it was agreed that to leave the Parish Council with a completely
           stand-alone Clerk’s computer system to pass to any future Clerk or Councillor the  
           necessary purchases must be made.

            Cllr Harlington pointed out that, although this will resolve the matter from the point of view of
            the Clerk, it does leave the position of the webmaster unchanged. The Parish Council will
           need to decide if it wishes to pursue the policy of providing the designated Webmaster
           with similar stand-alone computer equipment and associated software and ancillaries.

8.         Financial matters:

8.1.      To approve the following accounts for payment:
09.02.21 Transfer from deposit to current account to cover items listed below        £57.76
10.02.21 Information Commissioners Office (ICO) Annual Renewal Fee (Clerk)    £40.00
10.02.21 Clerk’s Exps. Feb 2021 – Light Tubes for Mill Lane Phone Box (Clerk)    £17.76
Approval of the above transactions was proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Smith and approved by all present.
8.2.      To receive a bank reconciliation report to 28 February 2021.

8.3      To receive a budget / actual comparison to 28 February 2021.
Receipt of the reports mentioned under items 8.2 and 8.3 was noted.                     

9.         To consider the following new Correspondence received and decide action where necessary:
There were no items to circulate.

10.       North Yorkshire Police local PCSO Crime reports.
            Owing to COVID-19 restrictions these reports are not being received. - Noted

11.       To consider matters raised with/by the Ward Member – Councillor J.C.Galvin.
In the absence of Ward Cllr Galvin, Cllr Booth advised that he had received a resident’s complaint regarding the overall poor condition of Intake Lane. This has been reported previously by the same and other residents and Cllr Galvin had commented when presenting his apologies that he agreed. Cllr Galvin thought the road needed a major rebuild but was only one of a large number of roads in similar condition and funding was
simply not available. Cllr Galvin will inspect the road again and report to the next meeting. Residents are encouraged to report highway and highway footpath concerns directly to the City of York Council via their website.

12.       To notify the clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting.
            12.1 Review of insurance requirements before renewal in May.
            12.2 Review of Council policies before 2020-2021 Financial Year-end.

13.       To confirm the dates of future meetings:
            13.1 The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 8 March 2021. (Virtual).
            13.2 The Annual Meeting of the Parish is planned for Monday 15 March 2021. (Virtual)*
            *This date may be changed depending on legal advice currently awaited.
            *The proposed dates listed above are now confirmed and will both be held virtually


There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8:08 pm thanking all for their time.



…………………………..………. Chairman             Date approved ……….………………